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What is Benzinga crypto?

Welcome to Benzinga Crypto! This channel is Benzinga’s dedicated cryptocurrency channel where we show you everything you’ll need to know to get started using crypto. Our goal is to educate you on the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry so you can begin your journey down the crypto rabbit hole.

What is Benzinga & how does it work?

Benzinga is a financial news website in Detroit, Mich. operating since 2010. According to its founder Jason Raznick, Benzinga had more than 25 million monthly visitors as of 2021. Along with its investment advice and analysis, Benzinga provided services to several brokerage companies.

Who owns Benzinga?

The company was acquired by Beringer Capital in 2021 at a valuation of more than $100 million, according to Raznick, who has also said Benzinga featured 150 (unpaid) contributors and 75 full-time employees.

What is crypto mining & how does it work?

Mining is the process of validating and recording new transactions on a blockchain, as well as hashing them to prevent shenanigans from sliding under the radar. However, depending on the consensus model of the blockchain, typically proof of work or proof of stake, the mining process will be different. What’s the Incentive for Crypto Mining?

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